Interesting...Very interesting

Interesting how those who have no faith in man, have complete faith in books written by men, translated by men, amended by men, edited by men, hidden by men then given and sold by men. I too have little faith in mankind, but I do have faith in a few humans to whom I can believe in should I have need. There are many who do not have this and for this and a multitude of other prime motivations they choose to "believe" they have someone or something watching over them, enlightening and inviting them to better themselves through hoping and praying instead of doing what is necessary to make their dreams a reality. Life is full of nightmares, but without these horrors the our dreams would not be so beautiful. Rejoice that this life is still yours to do with what you will. Will you be the one to follow another's idea of what life is and should be or dare to create your own story by experiencing the world for yourself and learning how you desire to use your life. The choice is ultimately yours, all I ask is that you at least ponder the thought.

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