2012: Is this Really the End?

Every few years or so there is another prediction that is to come to pass and end the world as we know it. This year however, is the big one, the really big one. That is one reason I live life as if there will never be a tomorrow because yesterday is gone. Today is all you have, so live like it and you won't have to worry about when the world ends. Truthfully, it really only matters when you end if you want to be technical. Even if you believe in an afterlife, other than being delusional, you are also forgetting about the whole life as we know it. Even in a state of complete and total destruction, you will be just as dead as you would be from getting shot or hit by a car, you cease to exist in this plane of existence. There are some that believe you can come back from it, which I would expect in a sci-fi fantasy epic. I love to watch them, but I can't possibly imagine them actually being real. Either way, no where in recorded history has this happened with any empirical data to support it. Regardless, of this, if the end is coming, prepare by living. I am followed by death, everywhere I go and I am propelled forward knowing it is always there, lurking, skulking, looming in the midst. When you live like this, for today, for you and whatever you deem most important to fulfill your destiny.

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