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Be True 

What is your truth? Who are you really when the doors close and the lights go out? We all have parts to play, but are you always acting? I would like to think that more often than not, people are real. However, I have experienced far too much to the contrary to say that there is any validity to that thought. I have actually known more people that have no idea who they are inside their own skin. How could this be? I thought to myself and occasionally inappropriately outspoken, yet nonetheless…Read more

If the Music You Listen to is the Soundtrack to Your Life...what Genre are You? 

If you are listening to today's pop music, you are probably a romantic comedy or a dance movie, maybe with a little hood movie on the side.  There are plenty of ganster flicks and even some underdog, drama, horror, and so on.  I am war, horror, science fiction, epic, fantasy, espionage in a whirlwind of tragedy and desaster of apocalyptic purportions.  These are the things that stimulate me beyond the everyday, for that is where I live and yet underneath the surface there is a story that could not possibly…Read more

OverHorde welcomes the Weird and the Wonderful: Life is Bliss if You Embrace it 

We all have the capacity to embrace our unique qualities and individuality. Will you? This is your chance to listen to your soul and let the energy of your life force seep in. The power is yours and we welcome you so we all may bask in your glory together. We are not clones or carbon copies simply manufactured, so don't act like it. Do not follow, but lead, blaze new trails and forge a bond with your true self. Now is the time. Let nothing stand in the way of your enlightenment or the pursuit of…Read more