Religion Should Arise from All Things, Natural and Spiritual

As human beings we are constantly confronted by the beliefs of others and those who have come before us for a variety of purposes often unknown to us. The only way to find true salvation is to continue to learn and gain experience from both the natural and spiritual worlds. This simultaneous ingestion of information can create a new state of awareness neither can match alone. Do not let mankind corrupt the purity of your soul and spirit, find for yourself the true meaning of life. There are many things to be learned from our ancestors and the lessons they have learned, but these are not meant to be our lives and our purpose for existence. This path must be your own and no other's, for you are the sole architect of your existence and the true deliverance from evil. There are those who would have you believe that you must follow to reach salvation. Be wary of such thoughts as they are in the best interests of others, but not necessarily following your path. You are born with a free mind and in order for it to remain free you must take care to never betray yourself. Above all, you hold the key and it is your right to use your will to open the gates of the beyond...

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