Etare Neged is The Future: Part 2

Etare Neged is The Future and the here, the now, the before and after. What does it all mean? Are these just the ravings of a madman or perhaps something more beneath the shroud of darkness? The concept is that the mind is in control of reality and thus it is our choosing who or what we become in this life. I, Etare Neged am The Future, just as you are whatever your heart may desire you to be. The Future began on 5/6/03, Renaissance Day, the rebirth of Neged and the day that set in motion a series of events that would eventually lead to this point in time, the here and now. Knowing that this was just the beginning, Neged set his sights on The Future to make his vision a reality. In the face of tremendous adversity he has prevailed time and time again, although tomorrow never really exists except in our own minds. Today, Etare Neged is what he is supposed to be, but shall continue to evolve and mutate as the days ahead grow near and the bleak outlook of the world is in need of The Future to let mankind know that tomorrow is indeed possible.

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