Etare Neged is The Future: Part 1

Etare Neged is The Future. He is the beginning and the end, the obvious and the unknown, the good, the bad and the ugly. The Future is the concept that Neged is everything and nothing. The mind is either a cell in a dark dungeon or a free range landscape with open air. This is just the beginning. Come on a journey beyond beyond and become a part of something unlike anything you can imagine. It is all because once your mind is open, truly free, the possibilities are endless and this is how immortality can be obtained without magic, mystics or monks wishing to make it so. The path is set, Neged's path begins here; the music, the man, the mind, the pain, the voice, the lyrics, the words and the dark clouds are beginning to gather in the distance. A great storm is on the rise, it brews just over the horizon. So begins...The Future.

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