American Idol?

Surely, I accept my fellow artists not only for who they are, but for the art they create. However, that is for them and I dwell outside of that box. Perhaps you do too since you are here reading this now. They are no idols of mine. I take pride in the strange, the abnormal and maladjusted are my best friends when I wish to experience the variety of beings I have had the pleasure of knowing. We never listened to pop music, we preferred something harder, with more soul and spirit, more heart and mind, pain, suffering, ecstasy, lust, love and hate. This is the world we live in and although my tales are woven into mythological tales amid sinister instrumentals, you can see the reality in every word like the agony that plagues those burning in the fires of your hell. I am yin and yang, fire and ice, the beginning and the end is here and his name is Etare Neged.

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