Man made "God" - The Personification of Humanization

Since the beginning of recorded history, mankind has made the universe his own and out of this arrogance, there was "God." To this day the practice of worship has lived on through man. Even now we brace for a storm called Ike after suffering a few short years ago from one named Katrina. There is a Man in our moon and the suns rays Smile at us to brighten our day. Our children are raised by inanimate objects with human Faces that Tell stories of valor and triumph over evil while overcoming impossible odds amidst eternal darkness. Century after century man has personified the universe around them in an effort to explain the inexplicable and give order to chaos. This mere attempt to understand what we cannot possibly comprehend is a futile attempt to bring logic and reason upon the bizarre, the unfathomable, that which lies just beyond our capacity to learn, a step ahead at all times. The more we discover, the more we realize just how minute we are in the grand scheme of things, as if such a scheme exists. Generation after generation continues on believing the latest tale salvation and this is the pattern of their lives they pass on to the next. It becomes ingrained in our persona and we are willing to follow those who speak it's word or appear to act as a vessel through which it emerges, to the end's of the earth and into the unknown afterlife. So we tell ourselves, since we are on the right path, it is our fate to be destined for glory and a place atop the mountain we could only dream of reaching in this life. It is comforting to us to know this lies ahead for us an our honored dead. I choose a different path. I say, forget the names, the stories, the rules and the regulations. Instead, respect life, all life, the universe, the galaxy and beyond. Know that we are not the beginning and the end nor is there anything that resembles us in control of what we know nothing of. No need to give it a face. Just respect it as you would do so with anything great and vast, knowing the end could be just over the horizon or right around the corner. No need to destroy each other over which story we grew up hearing most often, or that which is the most believable or plausible at the time. Let us think about these things the next time we summon the almighty personifications of the inexplicable to protect us from an unknown phenomena.