Steam Punk

Interestingly enough, punks apparently take on various forms and functions depending on the time and space you refer to. There are even those that exist in alternate realities in parallel universes. Steam Punks and Cyber Punks are some of my brethren, yet I tend to be more of an amalgamation, a bastardization of the intertwined souls of these Punks having gone beyond beyond and found OverHorde at the end of darkness just before Oblivion's Abyss. These things pour out of my mouth and gush out of my pores with the energy of the Sun, if the Sun were the Moon inside the core of the Earth. The words are the craft and the music is the path. The destination is righteous to the extent that there may not be a purpose greater for me in this life or any other. Lately I have been mindful of the Steam Punks and Har Ness the Sixth has come there with me to embrace their spirit and ingest their thoughts as they combine with my reality. My origin in OverHorde absorbs this culture that is both foreign and domestic. It is with an open mind and a brave heart I press on, with steam to propel me as I forge my way into the future.

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