Origin Stories

Yes, the title is plural because there are many stories of origin, even within a singular individual.  Mine, for instance, is born of several pivotal moments that have each contributed a branch to the trunk, or foundation of my origin.  There is something honest about not having to pinpoint a single instance of one's origin, as if to break down every moment and draw back to it somehow.  I do, however, look at choices made and perspectives gained often as a result of these origins, thinking that they would have gone in very different directions had it not been for that moment in time.  Take nature for instance and it's elements.  They cannot be thwarted by man, no matter how advanced we may become, the forces of nature bind us to the reality of our frailty towards the abundance of nature.  We are at its mercy, yet it thinks nothing of us.  It simply exists.  It is not good or bad, reward or punishment, holy or blasphemous, it just is.  Since the beginning of time and space, its laws were forged and although the rules may change, the game is always the same.  Survival in the midst of it, in spite of it to become one with it to the point where there is no longer a distinction to be made between us.  We have lost our way in many respects and will need to reconcile the fact that we cannot exist without it or in spite of it.  Only with it can we endure.  Once I was able to come to this realization, I have gained the elemental branch, the origin of the storm is born mourning.