The Darkest Soul Lies within All of Us

I am surrounded by darkness more often then light and I believe this is as much a part of me as my flesh and blood. Sorrowful, mournful overtones make me feel at home. The light burns my eyes and I am blind without protection for deflection, yet reflection shows two sides of the same man. One is a disgusting, horrid being devoid of any redeemable qualities, while the other is a hero, a champion of virtue, bound by honor. Whose skin am I really in? Is it the fault of my mind that I cannot choose the side the world needs? Or, perhaps the overpowering soul of a sacred truth is at the helm, bent on upheaval and chaos. I am but a man who plays at the supernatural and has driven the horror from his subconscious in favor of a future without. But, this is not where I should be and this is not who I am. I am a monster to some and a love lost to others. The spawn of hatred lives at the core of this beast and the love dare not enter this realm again for fear it may never return. This is bliss to me, my solace and I am at peace. The attributes of such a creature are unknown except to those too close to have survived the whirlwind of suffering it begets. This is where I thrive and it is too bad it is such a lonely dwelling. If there were company in this doom, would I welcome it with open arms or would I consume its energy to succumb to its temptation? As I wind in and out of life and death I know the end lies just beyond the horizon, for I can see a glimpse just behind my eyelids. I find no shame in my pain, no grave need to be what the world sees in my aura. Mine is not the way of common valor, but the antiviral amongst an intrepid infestation. A clearer vision may have swept it away for dust, yet this is ash torn from charred flesh compromising the shell of an empty heart. My soul is free and it seeks to bring along others on this ride up and down the the mysterious road of dilapidation and disturbing woes only to find refuge just below the surface on a plane that cannot be reached in this life. Shall there be a next? Will there ever be another time to make amends and if so, would it be my fortune to do what is just? You know who it is I, the darkest soul never to feel the breath of life again. The dark side of the all encompassing demon wind is home to the most formidable foe and it is staring you in the face right this very moment.